
In Italy, Piedmont Region is leader in advanced mobility

Over the next three years, 500 million investments in the automotive sector

Piedmont is able to maintain a leading role in the research and development of solutions for advanced mobility, whether hybrid, electric or autonomous. There are almost 220 million investments already active at this time in the automotive sector with a public support of about 83 million of which 31 from the European structural funds managed by the Piedmont Region, and the rest from the State.

Within 2-3 years, these industrial investments, often already planned, will reach almost 500 million.

“These are – as explains the regional councilor for productive activities – initiatives launched only in the last two years that strengthen both the multinational settlements in the area, committing them to new challenges for the automotive supply chain, and the reactive capacity of the Piedmont automotive supply chain to these challenges”.

In addition to the FCA project, worth € 94.3 million of investments only in Piedmont concerning the development of hybrid vehicles, as well as technologies for the connection between vehicles and with the road infrastructure that makes use of a contribution of over 30 million of which 8.7 from the structural funds of the Region, there is the American multinational Itt of Barge that with an investment of over 7 million is developing the “smart” brake pads capable of assisting the “regenerative braking” for the vehicle electric and the ‘intelligent braking’ of the autonomous vehicle.

Worth to mention the 10.7 million investment by the Japanese Denso Thermal System in Poirino (which is the most important Japanese presence in Italy), for the development of air conditioning and engine cooling systems and the significant investments made by two foundries: the Indian Endurance, together with Teksid, for a value of almost 9 million and Fonderie 2A, for about 5.3 million.

In both cases innovative aluminum casting technologies will be developed and applied to automotive components.

To these examples are added projects still in the preliminary phase presented by companies such as Johnson Electric, General Motors and Iveco.

In the already funded projects, the companies involved have hired a total of 130 young people in apprenticeship training.


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